Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Baby Bib Weekend

Had fun over the long holiday weekend making some new baby things for my shop.  I've finally made a baby bib pattern that I like.  I kept having issues with the neck being too small when using velcro fasteners.  No more, though!  I backed the denim one with flannel, will definitely do more like that!

 And, I was able to use the new shutter backdrop I made last weekend, courtesy of my ReStore find! Made photographing this taggie blanket much easier!  I'm digging the clothesline look.  And, I can move the shutter to use it wherever I like (inside, outside).

Finally, I made an owl bib and taggie for the shop.  Photographed this before the shutter was ready - I like the photos above better.

What crafty projects did you work on this past weekend?  Please share in the comments!


  1. Love the shutter backdrop! I'm working on my first ever rag quilt for a baby boy. :)

  2. Love the owl fabric! I saw a little girls pillowcase dress made out of the same fabric at my LQS.

  3. I saw a pair of shutters at the thrift shop today but didn't get them because I didn't want to copycat you ;) But I did think of you :)

    My find today was a set of gorgeous antique silverware that I'm going to *gasp* paint the handles on because they are horribly tarnished but incredibly detailed and beautiful!

    No sewing because they kept my machine this morning when I took it in for an issue :( I am bereft without it boohoohoo.

  4. Oh, lol, I love the owl bib and the denim/flannel one too! You always do such nice work :) I agree with you btw- the neck holes are always too small.

  5. these are so cute! great job! I found your blog through a link party and i LOVE it! I love making new blog friends! I am your newest follower and would love it if you would check out my blog and follow me too! Thanks!

  6. I was making bibs and coming across the same problem with the neck being too small. I came up with the idea to add ribbon to the ends to make the back tie instead of velcro. I did that on my newest blog post with the dog bib if you want to take a look...


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com