Friday, May 13, 2011

Doll Quilts

I'd always wanted to make doll quilts, but hadn't done it.  Why ever not?  They're so much fun!  Here are two I finished this past weekend for my shop:

The first one is a simple whole cloth quilt - the fabric is printed with the great design. I just had to add a border.  Free motion-quilted. Click here for details.

This second one is made with some pretty pink puppy print (say that 3 times fast!) that's been in the stash for at least a year. I also used my color of the moment, turquoise.  Backed with soft fleece, love how the quilting turned out on this one. Click here for more details.

I can see some more of these in my future.  Great way to try out some new free motion quilting ideas I've seen lately.  Here's a link to one I want to try that I found on Pinterest.


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