Friday, July 1, 2011

More Shabby Chic

I had a great vintage, shabby chic week. I made 4 new pillowcases for my Etsy shop, and scored lots of great new vintage sheets for future projects.  Ralph Lauren, Laura Ashley and Tommy Hilfiger sheets are so soft and pretty.  It's so much fun to play with those great patterns.

And, I just got this adorable little Samsonite suitcase for $4.  It's perfect as a photo prop. The inside is in perfect shape, and is a great royal blue color.

I'm going to use it as my Modge Podge project for Craft Share 2011 at the Sew Can Do blog.  Check out the button on the left sidebar.  There will be new projects each week.  So happy to be included in this!

If this baby suitcase turns out well, I'm going to tackle the big suitcase I mentioned in this post.    I'm considering both fabric and scrapbook paper to cover it.  Any hints to share?

Next podcast will be all about Shabby Chic projects (are you sensing a trend here at QC HQ - that's QuiltedCupcake Headquarters ;)


  1. Great find, love the suitcase! I am looking forward to following the project.

  2. Hi Jean, just letting you know I loved your Podcast re Etsy and wanted to also let you know I mentioned it in my blog and linked your blog as well. Keep up the fantastic work.
    Carol x


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