Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Flowers Make Me Happy

Not a lot to say today, working on a bunch of home dec projects that I'll be posting soon.
Thought I'd share some pics I took of these lovely hydrangeas I gathered from my sister's garden.  I wish I had space for flowers; instead, I get them from my sisters.

Flower Photo tip:  spray the petals with a fine mist to add more texture.

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  1. We have a big hydrangea bush in the yard- I've had the cut flowers on the kitchen table all summer! I can't get enough of them and they last quite a long time as a cut flower. Your photos are lovely.

  2. Love it! I love flowers, too, but since we moved to a rental last fall, I haven't bothered with growing any this year. Great tip, I'll share that with my son who does a lot of people photography but likes to do the occasional object photos instead.


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