Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Halloween Trick or Treat Bags

Here are the Halloween Trick or Treat bags I made for my Etsy shop.

I love the fabric on this one - can't go wrong with polka dots!

I decided to add a front pocket to this one:

I always found the traditional plastic pails to be hard for the kids to carry, and they were always spilling.  I made something like this for my youngest son, and it worked so much better!

Any ideas for other themes I can try? I was thinking about maybe a princess bag...hmmmm..


  1. I suggest checking the costume aisle at Target or Walmart to see what this year's costumes will be, then trying to make some bags to match or complement those costumes.

  2. I hope you aren't offended, but I am totally copying this idea! I know a certain 5 year old that would LOVE a bag like this :-) You make the cutest stuff!

    daisy of Lazy Daisy Quilts Podcast

  3. Lazy Daisy: I'm not offended at all! In fact, I'm honored. I love inspiring other crafters.

    I hope your 5 YO loves it!


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com