Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Modern Retro Kitchen Projects

I've been wanting to make some new kitchen decor items for a while now.  While my kitchen is modern, with a new stainless steel fridge I didn't want to buy, but love now, I like the decorations to be vintage.  It's a good place to use my retro-modern mash-up theme that started with my retro dishtowels.

So, this weekend, I made a new toaster cover that utilizes retro scraps from my bed quilt in a Bonnie K. Hunter  piecing design, paired with linen, also called Zakka.  After I pieced them together, I cut the pattern out as if it was just a piece of fabric. 

The free motion quilting on this sort of looks like steam, don't you think?

For my second project, I pulled out a panel I had purchased in Lancaster a long while back.  I knew I wanted to use it in the kitchen, but wasn't sure how.

The original panel, called Sweet Pea by Anna Lena looked like this:

But, shocking as it may seem, I wasn't happy with the uneven design.  Unlike my usual wonky self, I wanted this to be more lined up (my sisters are now thinking that yes, I do share some DNA with them).

So, I fussy cut the dresses I liked, and re-sewed them together nice and neat.  I then added a border and free motion quilted the whole thing.  The pink rick rack was a late addition, and I think it adds a nice border.


  1. Love the toaster cover! I love the scraps with linen- I have a few projects like that myself. So cute!

  2. Very nice project! Your stitching does look like steam. :) I like your color choices.

  3. Love your toast cover, could be also an idea for a sewing machine cover.

  4. i love her patterns! there is an online sewing workshop by her at
    3 mini quilts...perfect for the leftovers.

  5. Thanks for the tip about - I'm loving that idea!


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