Tuesday, October 11, 2011

My Vintage Tiara

Every girl wants a Tiara, and I finally got one.  Ha!  It's the model name on my new American Tourister Vintage Train Case.  Found at Goodwill for $6.  I would have preferred a prettier outside color, but the inside of this makes up for the plain outside.

The inside is in perfect shape - it even still had a bar of hotel soap from the Williamsburg Lodge in it. And, I love the removable tray.

I so wish the vintage goodies came with a back story.  Since they don't, I usually make up my own in my head.  I imagine a sweet young lady used this when she traveled to Williamsburg with her new husband.  Maybe the case was even part of a wedding gift of luggage.  Soon after the trip, they started a family, so she didn't get a chance to travel as much, which is why it's in such great shape. Can you think of a better story?  If so, please share in the comments.

I'm using it as my travel sewing case.  It's so much easier to keep a case of the essentials (rotary cutter, pins, machine needles, bobbins, etc.) packed and ready to go to craft events, classes, get-togethers, etc.  I find that having this essentials bag always packed makes me more likely to attend out-of-studio events, and have the things I need when I get there.
I've had great luck at thrift stores lately.  Check back for more finds soon.  I'm thinking of starting "Thrifty Thursdays" here on the blog. What do you think?


  1. What a great find and I love your story!
    An alternate story is that is was a graduation gift (common then) to a sweet young girl who used it to go off to college. She got her MRS. there and stuck around, too busy with family to travel with such a small case. She then needed larger cases to hold diapers, etc.

  2. What a great find! It looks perfect.

    Chester, NY


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