Thursday, October 27, 2011

Thrifty Thursday #3

Thrifty Thursday #3 is finally here.  Sorry it's a bit late - had to turn the power off to fix the stove.

Let's make this one the biggest yet!  Remember, you can link to an older post from your blog.  I know you have something you can showcase.

Each link party lasts a whole week, so if you think of something to add on Saturday, come on back and add it.

Here's my entry, a non-Zombie Santa.  It's a card or napkin holder.  So well made and kitschy!  Only cost 50 cents!

OK, let's link!  


  1. Dontcha just love plastic canvas?
    I did quite a bit of it years ago and then repurposed the patterns into paper piecings for scrapbooking.

    Hope your stove is all back in working order.

  2. Thanks for stopping by for a visit, leaving the sweet comment and the invite to link up! Be sure to stop back by to enter my special giveaway!

  3. Thanks so much for inviting me to the party and for hosting.

  4. Instead of the blog link ( I put the shop because of the vintage sheet fat quarters :)

  5. So, like, my picture is sideways and my link doesn't work. Not my day. Anyway, I found a cool industrial-look office desk lamp for 8 bucks yesterday. It really lights up my cutting area and will help w/ photos. This is a good feature.

  6. Thanks so much for inviting me to your party! I'm so happy to be a new follower!
    Andrea @


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at