Thursday, October 20, 2011

Thrifty Thursdays

Welcome to Thrifty Thursdays #2. A big thank you to everyone who added links last week. I found some new blogs to follow, and great things to add to my Pinterest board as future projects.

Important note about Thrifty Thursdays:  It's absolutely fine to link up an older project or post.  And, you don't have to create a special post to participate.  You can edit an old post to add the TT button.  Each party will remain open for 7 days, so if you're late, it's still OK to add a thrifty find.  Link away!

Here are my two Thrifty Finds of the Week:

First is a yard of retro Christmas fabric.  Longtime followers know of my love of vintage Christmas decor, so this was a real treat.  It's hard to find Christmas fabric with pink, so double bonus!

The second is an old fan, which I've been looking for since I started my thrifty trips. These are really popular, and usually pricey.  Would you believe, after traveling all over the East Coast, I finally found an affordable fan about 2 miles from my house?  Just $10.  Not sure if I'm just going to clean it, or if I'm also going to repaint it.  What do you think?  

OK, now it's your turn to share.  Post your links to thrifty projects you've done.  My interpretation of thrifty is very broad - if you found fabric for a great price, that's a thrifty find.  Can't wait to see what's added this week!


  1. ohh im bummed... i haven't found anything thrifty this week! its been a busy week!

  2. Like the idea of the thrifty Thursday. I love finding retro Christmas fabric- the best is old table cloths,,,which reminds me I found one recently. I'll have to post on a Thursday. Always enjoy the podcasts-thanks!

  3. I would love to find a fan like that! How about glossy turquoise?


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at