Saturday, October 1, 2011

Vintage Sheet Find

I found this awesome 70's retro print sheet on a recent trip to Goodwill. I love the great colors. The best thing about it (besides the $2 price) -- this baby was brand new. Never been used, or washed. It still had the "sizing" stiffness, and the colors were still super bright. Could be my best vintage sheet find of the year!

I think I may make a tablecloth from it. It matches my dining room perfectly!
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  1. Wow, a great sheet, and one I've never seen. I keep looking, but I must not have that right Good Wills around here.

  2. Excellent find.
    I recently found some vintage lime green curtains in my local thrift store, still in the package, probably from the late 70s, and I love their bright color.

  3. ohhh ahhhh pretty!!! love it! that has got to be the best all time for anyone vintage sheet find EVER! very cool!

  4. I LOVE it!! I am so obsessed with prints like this, that remind me of the 70's .. I would make a shirt out of it, LOL


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