Monday, November 21, 2011

Janome Cover aka the Lunch Lady Apron

I just finished my first project on my new Janome machine. I called it the "lunch lady apron" machine cover. I needed this design, as I'm keeping the extension table set up all the time. A traditional 4-sided cover wouldn't work. Here's a link to a bunch of great sewing machine cover tutorials created by The Tip Junkie.
For my version, I used sewing themed fabric found at Stitches, Etcand basically made a little fleece backed quilt that would cover the machine.  Anyone know the fabric's designer?  If so, please leave a note in comments.      ETA: Thanks, Edie for the details.  The fabric is called Sew Border, from Makower UK.  I'm not surprised - I love many of that company's fabrics.
The lunch lady name comes from the ties on the side.  The ladies who always helped at my school's lunch hour (including my mom) always wore aprons that tied on the side.  We called them lunch ladies, so that's the first thing that came to my mind when I added them to the cover.

The other good thing about this design is that it will also work if I don't have the table attached to the machine. When not in use, I'm hanging the cover up in my line of sight so I always remember to put it back on the machine when I'm closing down the studio for the day.

As part of my studio remodel, I also moved my thread holder to be right above my machine.  So much easier.  And, I added a smaller one below the original spool holder dedicated mostly to colored bobbin threads.  Love having all that color right in front of me as I sew.


  1. Very cute, and looks like a simple design. Love all the threads displayed like that, must be really useful.

  2. I adore that fabric!!! How do you like your extension table?

  3. Cute machine cover, Jean!

    The fabric is from a series called "Sew", from Makower UK, who are linked to Andover Fabrics:

    Happy Thanksgiving!

  4. i never used an apron but this makes me change my mind, it looks amazing!

  5. I love wearing aprons around the house, especially if my clothes don't have pockets.


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