Thursday, November 10, 2011

Thrifty Thursdays #5

It's Thrifty Thursday again!  Thanks again to everyone who's been joining the party.  If you haven't joined the fun yet, please consider adding your own fun, crafty, thrifty blog posts, too.  I'd love to see what everyone's working on.  Remember, it doesn't have to be a new post, or a post made on a Thursday.  Older posts are fine, too.

Here's my latest thrifty sewing find:

My mom had one of these wooden sewing boxes, and my boys loved to play with it, stretching the accordion-like shelves in and out. It's been on my "find one at a thrift store" list for a while. I got this one recently for about $5 - the bonus was that inside it, and included for the same price, were 2 pairs of scissors, and the tool for attaching snaps.  Score!
Once I got it home, I realized that I probably have way too many sewing notions for this baby to hold them all. So, I converted it into my Etsy shipping station.  It's perfect!  Now, I can easily find all the bits and pieces I need when I'm pulling together a shipment.  The only thing it doesn't hold is the envelopes.  Hoping this will make the holiday shipping a bit easier.

OK, Your Turn! 
Show us What Crafty Thrifty Things You've Been Doing!


  1. Thanks for hosting! I appreciate the invite.

  2. Thanks for hosting! I'm your newest follower!
    Briana @

  3. Thank you for the invite. :) I love that sewing box!

  4. I added my thrift store sewing box, but I almost like yours better. Can you post more pics of the center section?

  5. Love your site! Thank you so much for hosting this linky party. I found you on ItsaBlogParty and I would like to invite you to join my Wonderful Wednesdays linky party every week, as well. You have a new subscriber and FB fan.

    Sinea from Ducks n' a Row

  6. Thanks so much for hosting the party!

  7. That is SO neat! Great find! No thrify shopping this past pay period :( Hopefully soon! It would help if my etsy shop would get some visitors lol.


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at