Thursday, December 8, 2011

Thrifty Thursday #8

Here's my entry to this week's Thrifty Thursday:

It's actually 3 thrifty finds in one.  I found the tea cup, saucer and doily at thrift shops.  The buttons, too.  They started out as white, and I dyed them pink using Rit dye - link here.  Another Pinterest idea!  White buttons are pretty common, so imagine the color possibilities!

Now, it's your turn.  Show us what you're working on!


  1. Seriously? You can dye buttons? Wow! I learn all kinds of new things on your blog!

  2. Thank you for hosting. I'm numbers 3 & 4.

    ~Kara (your newest follower :)

  3. I just learned from you that buttons can be dyed!

  4. I have never tried to dye buttons but sounds fun. What is the best way to wash a vintage tablecloth? The fabric is in good shape I just dont mnow if it's ok to launder on gentle? It's a really cute Christmas one that I found at a thrift store.

  5. My feeling about linens I buy at a thrift shop is that if they don't survive a trip through the washer on the gentle cycle, they weren't meant to be mine.

    I've only lost one or two pieces by using the washer. Truthfully, I'm too busy (or perhaps lazy) to hand wash them.

    I will sometimes line dry them.

    But remember, my purchases aren't priceless antiques.

    Hope that helps.


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at