Friday, April 6, 2012

Vintage Kitchen Decor

Lately, I've been trying to work on adding more vintage touches to my home and studio.  You could also say I'm trying to use the stuff I've purchased already, but the first sentence sounds better, no?

Anyhow, I bought an apron-making panel over 2 years ago, and decided to finally pull it out and make it for Betty the dress form.  Doesn't she look divine?
Then, I decided to use some the lovely new (but vintage-looking) hankies I found at a little Amish store during our last trip.  They were just 79 cents each.  They wash up great.  I was going to make a little quilt from them, but instead decided to use them as a valance in my kitchen/dining room.  It's really hard to take a picture that does them justice.  However, when the blinds are open, and the sun shines through them, they look brilliant!

Want to create your own? It's easy - I just used jute and hung the hankies using mini clothespins.  I put those command strip hooks on the top of the windows and looped the jute over each end.  It sort of looks like a wash line, which I think adds to its appeal.  Of course, a non-crafter who visits may ask you if your dryer is broken. :)
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1 comment:

  1. Love this idea- sadly most of my vintage hankies from Grammy have fallen apart over the years :( I'll have to thrift some now :)


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