Friday, May 4, 2012

New Project Sneak Peak

Here's a sneak preview of a new wall quilt I'm working on.  Using a new technique introduced to me via Pinterest.  Can't wait to share it with you - will cover in my next podcast, hoping to record this weekend.

Planning for a crafty weekend - going to a full day crafting event with my best crafty friends - so excited!
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  1. I have been behind listening to podcast and since I am having a HOME ALONE SEW IN this weekend.... I am catching up. Love your podcast, love the voice have followed several years.

    Fixing your strings... My DD makes string blocks whenever she wants to sew but not think, as she is in college and needs stress relievers. I often have to fix her blocks.. These are all methods I have used. Which method you use depends upon the method needed for the block and varies.

    1/ I use decorator stitches in matching or contrasting threads on the seams... similar to CRAZY QUILTING... but I only use the machine... I DO THIS OFTEN.

    2/ I invisible blind stitch along the seam line using invisible thread from the top of the quilt... good for fixing something that falls apart after it is quilted and bound. This works good for applique by machine is works great to fix wonky seams.

    3/ I HAVE switched to RICKY TIMS STABLE STUFF for my foundation.... It has a nice stiffer consistency like sewing on paper. When you wet the quilt it disappears. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PULL OUT THE PAPER... IT STAYS IN THE QUILT.... IT IS CHEAP COMPARED TO OTHER WASH AWAY STABILIZERS.


  2. Oo00- thanks for the Ricky Tims info- I'll check that out!

    Jean I can't wait for the new podcast- I look forward to them so much!


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