Friday, June 8, 2012

Cilantro Recipe Ideas?

I'm a recent convert to Chipotle.  My sis has been raving about it for months, and I've finally joined her camp.

I fell in love with their Lime Cilantro Rice.  I found a recipe here, made it last night using my rice cooker - so simple and yummy.  Just follow the recipe, but dump everything in the rice cooker instead of using a pan.  I didn't bother melting the butter either, just threw it in.

I did buy fresh cilantro to use in the recipe, which was awesome!  I had a bunch cilantro left over, and after some research, decided to freeze the leftovers for future dishes.

So, my question is, do you have any great recipes that use Cilantro?  I can't wait to use it again!


  1. I also love cilantro and just planted some in my herb garden. Anyway, just saw this article:

  2. I love cilantro too! It makes everything taste fresh and minty :) Anything Mexican tastes delicious. But has a great Southwestern Quinoa salad with quinoa, corn, black beans and cilantro. Just search for Southwestern Quinoa salad and it is the only recipe.

  3. I make a cold Chinese Noodle Salad that is soooo delicious that uses cilantro. If you like spicy Asian food, let me know and I'll send you the recipe!

  4. My favourite recipe that uses cilantro (called coriander leaves here) is Murg Jalfraizee - Chicken with Bell Peppers. Instead of green bell peppers, I often use red or orange ones or mix the colours, it really doesn't matter. Sooooo tasty!

  5. a tomato or two, an onion or two, a handfull of cilantro, a jalapeno, some cumin and a squeeze of lime in a food processor makes a great salsa. or you can just rough chop them and its just as good. You can add black beans and or corn to make it more interesting. We put this over fish, chicken, fajitas, lol... our eggs in the morning. There isn't anything that wouldn't taste better with this on it!

  6. Jean, I have a fiesta quinoa salad recipe if you're interested and you could make some really yummy guacamole too!

  7. I knew you'd come around, Chipotle is awesome.


  8. 1. Chipotle is as close to heaven as you can get to earth.
    2. Cilantro goes in everything; i love it.


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