Monday, July 2, 2012

Giveaway Winner and Crazy Weekend

First, the important stuff....the winner of the Batik Bonanza giveaway is Peg S.  I've already sent an email to request your mailing address.  Thanks so much to everyone for entering.  I really liked using Rafflecopter, and it made running the contest so much easier.

I would have announced sooner, but we were one of the 500,000 people in MD who lost power due to the big storm.  I was in my studio sewing on Friday night, and boom, no power.

Sleeping was impossible in 100 degree heat and no AC.  We toughed it out on Friday, but by Saturday, we'd had enough.  We did a little suburban camping at a local Hampton Inn.  So glad we did - the place was full of locals escaping the heat. 

We finally got power back on Sunday.  I'm finally starting to get back to normal.   Let's all take a moment and give thanks to Willis Haviland Carrier, the inventor of air conditioning.  Just like Joe Manganiello, I've never met him, but I do love him. Heck, this weekend, I'd have said they sorta look alike.

Can you tell them apart? 

1 comment:

  1. I was curious as to how you'd like it! I have some giveaways I need to do and looks like Rafflecopter would make it easier. :)


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at