Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Product Review: Machingers

I just bought my second pair of Machingers (pronounced Ma-SHEEN-Gers).  I loved the first pair so much, I had to get a back up pair just in case I lost the first pair.  And, now I can always have a pair in my "to go" bag for retreats, marathons, etc.

I use them mostly for free-motion stitching, but they were also helpful when doing the stitching on my Modern Log Cabin bag.  What's great is that they are thin and lightweight.  Just the fingertips are rubberized.  And, they fit.  

I've tried using garden gloves or the Fons & Porter gloves.  None of them fit as well as these.  They were always floppy on my small hands.  Also, the lightweight fabric means your hands can breathe (that sounds weird, but so does "my hands don't get hot in them", so there you go.)

Machingers give me just enough grip and control without adding bulk.  They're comfortable, and I can't recommend them enough.  

Here are a few places that sell them online (I bought mine at my LQS):

DaystyleDesigns - love Leah Day, great blog!

Joann.com also has them - they're online, not in stores

I'm working on a blog post all about sewing tips and tricks, but these are so great, they deserve a post all of their own.


  1. Thank you for the info, I do a lot of FMQ and have tried a lot of different things and don't like any of them, but lately I've been thinking of trying gloves again.

  2. I've had the same experience. I tried all sorts of gloves and products for FMQ, but haven't tried anything else since I bought a pair of these. I did the same thing too! I bought a second pair to have in case something happens to the first. It came in handy when I spilled my drink on one pair and had to wash them.

  3. Hi Jean, I used them to, until I found these: Grabaroos:

    I find they fit even better, aren't white so they don't always look dirty and the tips never wear out.

    Love them!

    Chester, NY

  4. I also have these from Leah Day's website, but haven't tried them. I'm using the fons and porter ones right now, but like yours, my hands are child size. The f&p gloves are just too big for me. They're new, only made 2 quilts with them. I guess I'll have to break in my Machingers :) I love the fact that they come in XS, yeah!

  5. Hi Jean

    I'm a Machingers convert too. I had used the ones with the rubber dots on the palm and fingers, and found them hot and floppy. I can wear the machingers all day, and I don't get too hot and they provide just the right amount of grippiness. (Hmmm, spell check doesn't recognize that word - wonder why?)

  6. Just used my pair yesterday for the first time and I agree with you, they're great. I haven't quite got the hang of free motion quilting but they work great for straight line quilting too.

  7. Randon, unrelated question: did you recently change the background on your blog? I really like the blue double-swirl pattern and don't remember noticing it before today.

  8. Niki, you're correct. I did change the background, and have a new header. Glad you like it!


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com