Thursday, January 24, 2013

Creepy Baby?

OK, I've asked the Facebook world about the creepiness of a clown figurine I accidentally bought at Halloween.  Now, I'm asking my bloggy friends - is this baby doll creepy?  I'm using him to model my new teddy bear hats in my Etsy shop.  I call him Joe, after my favorite QB.  

 Maybe it's because I grew up playing with dolls, and my mom always had dolls around the house even as an adult.  I think Joe's cute, not creepy.  He's chubby and huggable, not the basis of nightmares.

So, here's my question - Creepy or Cute, and why?  Is it just this doll, or are all dolls creepy to some people?  No judgement - you all know how I feel about clowns!
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  1. I can't do dolls or clowns. Snakes are up there too.

  2. Cute baby, add just a tad bit of rose to the cheeks to make him look more life like and I think that will help. Love your hats, so cute!

  3. Sorry hon, that thing is creeping me out! You want a sweet baby, not the spawn of chucky! :)

  4. I have to put my vote in for creepy. I think he's just realistic enough to look real and make me think he's a real baby at first glance. Perhaps it's the lighting and angle that makes him look a little sinister. I like the pictures of the hats by themselves.

  5. Creepin' me out. Definitely in the Uncanny Valley for me.

  6. CREEPY!
    His face is too smushy or something; i don't know why but he kinda freaks me out.

  7. A little creepy, but maybe it's because you are looking down at him. Try taking a photo straight on to his face and see if it's better. (I realize you want to focus on the hat, so maybe that won't work for you.)

  8. I'm thinking the little guy looks kind of special needs...some novelist would say something like..."as the adenoidal child drooled with no concern for the world around him"....

  9. I thought he was real and didn't know otherwise until I read your post. He carries your hat well, which was really the first thing that I saw. Your beautiful Teddy Bear hat. I think buyers want to know if the hat will fit and the baby doll model helps them to determine that.

  10. I think the doll is cute but needs to be turned around so that the light is facing him and there are no shadows. The shadows are what makes something creepy or not. :) Cute hats!!!

  11. That doll is kind of creepy.
    Each to his or her own.
    Any chance of a Podcast?
    We miss you.


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