Friday, February 15, 2013

Chandelier Upcycle

I've been wanting to upcycle a chandelier forever.  It's been on the top of my "look for" list during thrift store trips.  Another Goldilocks project idea.  I'd find one that was too big, or one that was too ugly, or too expensive.

On an unplanned trip to Goodwill yesterday, I found one that was just right:

I like that it was designed for candles - makes it simpler and easier to decorate.  And, it only cost $7!   

I had pinned a decorated chandelier almost a year ago that was strung with buttons.  That's why I love Pinterest - I would have never found this again without it!

photo by Danielle Thomspon

Of course, it's by one of my favorite crafty girls, Danielle Thompson.  You can find it here on her blog, Thompson Family, along with the back story.  

She was inspired by this one by Heather Bailey, via Flickr. 

I think mine is going to be aqua.  First step is to find the candlesticks and clear teacups.  I don't think I'm going to add the brooches.  

I'll share pics when it's all done!

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  1. I cannot wait to see your finished project. I have had this in the back of my mind too, still looking for the perfect chandelier!

  2. I am always on the lookout for a chandalier. Can't wait to see what you do with yours!


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