Saturday, February 9, 2013

Shabby Chic Upcycle

Modge Podge and scrapbook paper have been making their way into a lot of my projects lately.  It's such a simple and inexpensive way to repurpose home decor items.

I found this OK-looking hanging hook sign at a local thrift store for $2:

I loved the hooks, didn't love the design on the plaque part.  I used Modge Podge to cover it with shabby chic scrapbook paper, and now I love the whole thing:

I think it's going to live in my bathroom.

I've been on a real re-purpose and upcycling kick lately - look for more projects coming soon!


  1. i couldn't exist without mod podge

  2. Jean, I love it!!!! What a great use of that long lost scrapbook paper. {{wink}}


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