Wednesday, March 6, 2013

DIY flowers & Spring Decor Ideas

DIY Spring Decor ideas have kept me super-inspired over the past week or so.  Here are a few more recent projects.

BTW, if you don't follow my page on Facebook, please do - I share lots of photos and different stuff there, too.  Just click here to like my page.

First is a super-easy one.  Covered a plastic pot with book paper and Modge Podge.  The flower is made by sticking ordinary coffee filters into a plastic wiffle ball - both from the Dollar Store.  I left the bottom half of the ball empty, as it's sitting so pretty in the pot.

Here's a little spring bird wearing a jaunty hat I made (much better than the scary clown snowman, right?)  I made his little nest by rolling and hot gluing scraps from the burlap coffee bags my niece sent me.  (p.s. - Niki, I used jaunty there just for you!)

I'm finally using my vintage window from ReStore.  It's a great place to display garlands I'm making in Spark the Event Online classes.

Anybody else ready for spring?  Any good sites to share with projects?  


  1. This makes me want to make jaunty hats for everything!!

  2. I love the garland on the restored window frame. It looks great the way you draped it and it's so nice and colorful too, really draws the eye. I'm trying to think where I could hang one in my home if I made one too. It's very appealing.


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