Thursday, March 28, 2013

Studio Organization: Buttons

Buttons are one of my favorite crafty embellishments - remember this?  Organizing buttons in your studio can be a challenge.  In my studio,  I sort buttons by color in open penny-candy type jars found at thrift stores.  This has worked for me for years.  I like the easy access better than the mason jars I previously used.

Just this week, I added a new element that only cost 59 cents each, but makes a big impact.  The secret?  Scoops.  Color-coordinated scoops.  I love them!  Now, each open jar has a scoop that allows me to easily search for the button I want to use.

You can find the scoops in the Wedding Section at Party City.   They're intended for candy buffets, but they work just as well for studio organization.  And they're just so darn cute!


I also got a scoop for my jar of buttons I use for Etsy projects.  I love being able to dig around with the scoop to find just the right button for a laptop case or Kindle cover.

How do you store your buttons?

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  1. I love the idea of your scoops, though all my buttons are in one jar.

  2. This comment has been removed by the author.

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  4. Color matching scoops!


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