Monday, April 8, 2013

Denim Rug Tutorial

Recycled or re-purposed art and sewing projects are among my favorites.  I saved my sons' blue jeans for years, and finally got around to cutting squares from them.  This weekend, I made a denim rug for my studio using these recycled jeans patches.  I think of it as my Earth Day project for this year!

My Accu-Quilt machine helped a lot.  I cut 24 squares, 5 inches square.  If you don't have the Accu-Quilt cutter, just use a ruler and rotary cutter to cut your squares.  I tried to include details, such as patches and seams wherever possible.


I sewed my patches together so the raw edges are on top.  Backed it with pre-washed flannel, and sewed around the top.

ETA:  I used a heavy-duty needle, and poly/cotton thread (my normal JP coats thread).

A trip through the washer and dryer, and I have a fun new rug for my office with lots of yummy texture.

And, it's Dusty-approved!

If you want to see how this same technique looks for a bed size quilt, check out my Facebook page - my buddy Lisa Ann posted her awesome quilt on my timeline.


  1. What type of thread did you use?

  2. Diva - Good question. I edited post to say:

    I used my regular Dual Duty/JP Coats poly/cotton thread. Nothing special. There is a thread made for denim that would probably work well.

    Also, I did use a heavy duty needle.


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