My suitcases hold odd fabrics, such as burlap, or vinyl, and even my stash of interfacing. These items don't look pretty on a shelf, so they are perfect choices for hiding inside the vintage suitcases. I labeled each with a tag so I know what's inside without having to open them.
I'm so glad I have these - I never paid more than $5 each, and usually much less. I've seen them in antique stores for $30- $50. Sweet bargains!!
That's a great idea. Love Vintage.
Clever thinking on your part! Makes me wish I had some, too.
I used to hide my fabric in vintage suitcases. I had several stacks of them! Then I decluttered one day and passed on lots of my fabric, and now most of my fabric is in see through drawers, but not all. Your suitcases look great!
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