Saturday, April 27, 2013

Vintage Suitcase Studio Storage

I have quite a collection of vintage suitcases.  They previously lived (empty) in my living room as display.  I decided they'd be more useful to hold fabric in my studio.  These cool suitcases a perfect storage solution, as they're pretty, and hold a lot of stuff.  I love adding vintage touches throughout my Quilted Cupcake studio!

My suitcases hold odd fabrics, such as burlap, or vinyl, and even my stash of interfacing.  These items don't look pretty on a shelf, so they are perfect choices for hiding inside the vintage suitcases.  I labeled each with a tag so I know what's inside without having to open them.

I'm so glad I have these - I never paid more than $5 each, and usually much less.  I've seen them in antique stores for $30- $50.  Sweet bargains!!

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  1. That's a great idea. Love Vintage.

  2. Clever thinking on your part! Makes me wish I had some, too.

  3. I used to hide my fabric in vintage suitcases. I had several stacks of them! Then I decluttered one day and passed on lots of my fabric, and now most of my fabric is in see through drawers, but not all. Your suitcases look great!


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