Friday, May 24, 2013

Friday Favorite: Baked French Toast

French toast is one of my favorites.  I've tried lots of recipes for baked french toast, but never found a perfect one...until now.  This Baked Baguette French Toast from Dash & Bella is A-mazing.  Of course, I found the recipe on Pinterest.  You can find the pins for this and more a.m. treats on my Breakfast Recipes board.

Here's my first attempt below - my second was even better.

There is a lot to like about this easy baked french toast recipe.  Let me count the ways:

  1. The recipe uses stale bread (I've used both french and italian loaves with equal success), so it's great for leftovers.  However, I like it so much that I yell at anyone who tries to eat the bread I now buy to make this.
  2. This baked french toast recipe is very adaptable.  This past weekend, I threw a handful of frozen blueberries and walnuts on top, and it was wonderful.
  3. You only have to let it sit for 30 minutes before baking it, so you can make it on a whim.
  4. The french toast is crispy on top, but soft in the middle.  I like that it's not quite a souffle.  Just the right texture.  I've found the recipes that call for the dish sitting in the fridge overnight are a bit too mushy for me.
  5. Any leftovers (which I only get when I double the recipe) can be frozen, and reheated for weekday deliciousness.
I crave this stuff.  I've had it 3 days in the past week, and I just bought bread to make more this weekend.  It's that good.    

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