Monday, June 24, 2013

Instagram Fun

Why oh why has it taken me so long to jump on the Instagram bandwagon?  It's awesome!  The Beautiful Mess app definitely pushed me towards Instagram, and now I'm sorta hooked.  I like to add pictures of whatever I'm working on, or things I find throughout the day.

What's cool is that you can also see pics from crafty folks like Pat Sloan, Margie Romney-Aslett and Allison of Cluck Cluck Sew.

Here are a few of my latest Instagram photos.  I love how easy it is to use.


Just last week, Instagram added the ability to take and add videos.  I did my first video on Saturday of a cool vintage item (circa 1972) I found for 25 cents at a rummage sale that had a hidden talent - check it out on my feed.

So, please follow me on Instagram - I'm QuiltedCupcake of course.  I'll follow you back, so we can share pics throughout the day!  

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