Thursday, April 28, 2011

My New Studio Organization Idea

I went to Ikea yesterday looking for some cute storage, but decided these 59 cent ugly bags may work better for what I had in mind. They're not pretty, but these bags hold a TON of stuff.  They are sold at the checkout stand.

After my recent studio clean up, I found a bunch of stuff that's necessary, but I don't need want to look at all the time.  For example, the batting, fusible fleece, and plain sheets I use when making items for my Etsy shop.  So, I'm going to stuff these sturdy bags, and then hang them from hooks in my utility/laundry/junk room.  Another ugly place in the house, but it gets the job done.

I've also used these bags for taking towels to the beach, and storing bulky holiday decorations.  Any other ideas for them?

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1 comment:

  1. I have used mine to hold laundry, but my favorite use was as a packing container when I loved -- they do hold lots and lots and are easy to carry!


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