Tuesday, April 26, 2011

QuiltedCupcake Podcast Episode 42 Show Notes

Here are the show notes for the latest QuiltedCupcake Podcast Episode, Number 42: I'm Back!

Here's the sewing machine fabric tote I made to take to the AQS show.  

And, this is by far the best photo I've ever taken of the inside of a bag.  It's the lining for the sewing tote above.  I included a pocket, and a sewn-in key holder.  I like attaching my change purse to the little "leash", making it easy to find my money while at a quilt show.

Let's follow that up with a really bad picture of the new shelf in my studio.  Here's the link to it at Target, where you can see better photos.  I did buy a new track light for the studio, so better photos are hopeful for the future!

Finally, here's the cool EZ Quilt Easy Dresden Ruler with the little fan block I made so I won't forget how to do it when I'm ready to do a bigger project!

Remember to email me with your thoughts re: an Etsy episode, and ideas for American Girl clothes.

So glad to be back!


  1. Welcome back, Jean! It was so nice to hear a new podcast after all these months! The new shelving looks great btw, and I think an Etsy episode would be really fun!

  2. that BLUE with YELLOW dresden looks really great!!! love how bright and fabulous it is!

  3. That ruler is fantastic; I've just completed 12 blocks but won't post until the top is completed..your block looks great and I enjoyed your 'come back" podcast.

  4. Hi Jean,
    On my recent trip to Lancaster I mentioned your name so often (Jean mentioned this & Jean said that.....) that my travel mates started referring to you as "your friend Jean". So when I heard you were podcasting again I had to tell them right away that "my friend Jean is back!". Ha-Ha :) So glad you decided to come back to podcasting!!

    Chester, NY

  5. I would love to hear an Etsy advice episode. I'm attempting to sell on Artfire and not getting anywhere. I guess I'll do the Facebook page, but I don't want to podcast or blog. I just want to sew quilts and sell a few so that I can afford more fabric!


  6. So happy that you are back! Been loving Seamed Up, by the way. I am so happy to hear that you are making doll clothes. With three little girls, I will be stopping by your etsy shop to have a look. LOL. Thank you so much for sharing.

  7. Hi Jean,

    I seriuosly thought there was something wrong with my itouch,,,,,but now I see you reposted the podcast. I guess I should have thought of that.

    Chester, NY

  8. Welcome back Jean. I've really missed your podcasts too. I'd love to hear all about your experience setting up your etsy shop, especially since I'm thinking of setting up one as well. I'm also still working on getting hubby to do a tour of Lancaster County. I love hearing about every time you go so if you're ever thinking that no one is interested, I look forward to hearing every detail. Thanks for coming back to us.

  9. Welcome back, Jean!! I'm interested in hearing about your etsy experience as it is has long been a dream of mine to take the etsy plunge.

  10. When my daughter was young enough to be playing with her American Girls dolls, I would have loved to be able to buy her book character clothes, not just historical costumes. (Like Laura Inglalls' dresses, or Boxcar Children clothes, etc.)

  11. I was so happy to see you had a new podcast up! Thank you!

    Great job on the AG clothes- how about decent Barbie clothes? I hate that all her clothes are trampy. It would be great to be able to get modest, cute outfits!


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com