Friday, June 17, 2011

Mason Jars

I have fallen even more in love with mason jars this week.  Mostly because I've seen such awesome ideas on Pinterest.

Hubby and I took a little mid-week field trip to thrift stores yesterday, and I scored all of these - each cost 50 cents or less:

I can't wait to start playing with them.  Here are a few of the things I have planned for them:

Soap dispenser from Blissfully Content - Julia shares the tutorial on her blog.

Candle holder

Drink holder

Flower holder

Check out these cool Mason Jar lights on Etsy.

Check back for more vintage finds over the weekend!


  1. Another use for mason jars - scraps, sorted by color. I'm definitely going to get my hands on some one of these days. I love the ideas you posted, too!

  2. I have a couple of really old ones full of my grandmother and great grandmother's buttons! I treasure them!!!!
    (You got me hooked on Pinterest the last time you mentioned it, by the way, Shame on you!)

  3. That one in the middle looks old like from when you sealed them with a zinc top. They are my favorite. I love jars too!


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