Sunday, June 19, 2011

Wheeled Cart

Another cool vintage find.  I call this a "Nanny cart" because my grandma (we called her Nanny) would use a wheeled cart like this to carry her groceries back from the market.  At the time, we kids probably scoffed at her and thought it was weird.  Who knew Nanny was being green and eco-friendly?  She also drank from mason jars and a huge latte style mug.  A lady ahead of her time.

My local thrift store had 2 - a newer model, and this one.  I had to go with the one with more character.  Only $10!  I'm thinking I'm going to create a pretty shabby chic style liner for it, and use it to hold batting or other lining type, non-pretty fabric in my studio.  I'll post pics when it's done.


  1. I have one too! I remember my Mom using one to cart her groceries from the store. I never thought about it being eco-friendly, but it's true. Can't wait to see how you redesign yours.

  2. I love it. My grandmom had one too and went to the grocery store with it. Wish I still had it!

  3. way cute. i've seen some taken to the parade or pool. easy to carry a bunch of stuff!

  4. What thrift store do you go to?? Your store has great vintage stuff. Mine does not!


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