Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Four Square Quilt: Done!

I spent this weekend finishing up some UFOs.  Why don't I do this more often?  It provides such instant gratification, just spending a bit of time on half-done projects to turn them into finished loveliness.

The best finish was the Four Square quilt.  Longtime Quilted Cupcake podcast listeners or blog followers may remember this quilt- it was the very first full size quilt I ever started, in 2009.   It was featured on my first podcast episode and  second blog post ever.  Check it out here - we've come a long way since then!   In fact, I had to go back and add a title to that post - it didn't have one!

The pattern, called Four Square, is from Quilts & More, Spring 2008.   It was also featured on the cover of a BH&G book,  Easy Quilt Projects.
I quilted it in strips, and then assembled them to make the quilt.  Because I'm hard-headed, I did it my own way.  I'm sure there are better ways to quilt as you go, but I did what worked for me.  Before I did another quilt this way, I'd probably want to learn a better technique.  The good part of my "technique" (losing the term loosely here) is that it allowed me to do a lot of free motion quilting without struggling with a full size quilt.  I started this quilt well before I purchased the Singer 201-2 with the big harp.

I decided to piece the binding, using strips of fabric from the quilt.  Really happy with how that turned out.

The quilt's somewhere between full and queen size, which means taking pictures of it (when you're short like me) is a challenge, as shown below:

Here it is on my new bed with the headboard I made (Look for a new tutorial coming soon on my easy headboard project!)

It's backed in flannel, so it's very snuggly and warm, definitely a winter quilt.  I think I'll give this one to my hubby.  We each like having our own covers - that way, nobody gets cold.  Yes, we've been married 20+ years - little things like separate covers make us happy.

I'll share more about this quilt in my next podcast, which I'm planning to record this weekend.


  1. I love this quilt! Colors are beautiful and you did a great job! Yay you!

  2. Great quilt, I love it! I just figured out a year ago that separate twin size quilts on top of the king sized comforter would be a marriage-enhancer, LOL. Twins are SO much easier to quilt, too. Love your podcast too.

  3. It looks great! Love the color combo.

  4. Beautiful!
    There really is something to be said for having your own covers.

  5. Love it- fun colors and the stippling is wonderful- I love how comfy that makes a quilt :)


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com