Thursday, September 22, 2011

Outside the Comfort Zone

Got to spend a lot of time crafting last weekend.  So, lots of new stuff for my shop.  In addition to my normal stuff, I challenged myself to try some new ideas.  

One of my favorites is this Robot Nook Cover.  It started life as a Target tote bag.  I fell in love with the design.  I cut it up, added a velcro closure top and sewed the sides together with a fleece lining.  

I also tried something new with my iPad sleeves - free motion quilting on a solid color, instead of a print.  I'm kinda digging it!  I'm thinking this idea could be a neat color-blocked quilt with solids.

I love going outside my comfort zone and trying new ideas, especially in the crafting world.  That's what keeps me going, and inspires me.  How about you?  What do you find inspiring?  Let us know in the comments.


  1. The iPod sleeve is great. I like the free quilting on a solid color because then the stitching is super prominant.


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