Friday, January 6, 2012

Cupcake Taggie Blankets

Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes.  They seem to be everywhere this year. I just found a bunch of fun cupcake stuff at the Target dollar spot - including pink cupcake wrapping paper - I bought 6 rolls!  Lots of new cupcake stuff at Kohl's, too.  
Want to know the one place you couldn't find much if any cupcake stuff?  In my Etsy shop!  Duh!  I think it's mostly because I hoard my cupcake fabric.  (It's not a problem if you can admit it, right?)

So, I decided to create a new cupcake-shaped taggie blanket.  I may have to make a huge sized one for me!  It would  probably make a fun rug, now that I think about it..hmmm....

Once I made one, I had to make more.  These chocolate cupcakes are my favorite so far.  Check out my shop if you'd like to see more.

Another fun thing I found at Target (but not in the dollar spot)-- Cupcake shaped straws!  I had to have them - only $2.  Of course, not for drinking, but for displaying in my studio.

Any fun cupcake things come your way lately?


  1. Those are super cute; i really like the chocolate with pink polka dots!

  2. I agree with Niki, I really like the polka dot ones too! Btw. I was thinking about you when my dentist told me that She opened a cupcake shop Yesterday :)) When is the next podcast coming out? (no pressure!)

  3. Kati, that's awesome. Thanks for the smile. So, is the cupcake shop to ensure that she also has dental patients? As for podcast, stay tuned. I do plan to continue.


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