Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yarn Project Bag

Used a Tilda pattern to make myself a new yarn  project bag. Not from her new book (which is just OK), but from Sew Sunny Homestyle (probably my favorite of hers).

Used a vintage sheet for outside and a thrifted but newer sheet for the inside.  What's great about this bag is that is stands up by itself.  The secret is to line the outside pieces with a firm stabilizer (like Timtex).  Super easy!

I just adore that polka dot lining. Makes me smile every time I grab a new hank of yarn from inside.  Plus, this bag looks pretty sitting in my living room, waiting for me to start another project.

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  1. Really nice bag - thanks for the tip about the Timtex.

  2. Very pretty bag, makes my paper 'bath m bodyworks' bag look bad for my knitting.... I may have to make a bag!

  3. Wonderful bag, I might try to make it myself, I have the book :)) Thanks for sharing, Your pictures are always inspiring!

  4. Adorable.
    Did you dye the lace to match?

  5. oh sooo pretty!! I have that book,too. Must try it!

  6. Okay Jean, it's Saturday night and I'm trying to make this bag, but the measurements are all messed up. It says to fold the fabric from top to bottom and from side to side. If I do that I'll end up with 4 layers and just can't figure out how in the world will it look OK... if I cut the corners out like that than I'll end up with 4 layers of fused fabrics. Did you use her measurements when you made your bag, or came up with your own? I'm really stuck in here... :) Thanks!

  7. Hi there! I saw your question re: the Tilda bag. I pretty much used her measurements. I only put the fusible Timtex or heavy pellon on the back of the "pretty" outer fabric. I did the lining separately, unstabilized. I made the outer bag (with pretty fabric and Timtex), then made the lining bag (same pattern size, just no pellon). Attach handles to outer bag.

    Put the 2 bag pieces right sides together, (You're basically putting the lining over the pretty outer fabric, RST). Turn it, and top stitch along top edge.
    sew along top, leaving a hole for turning.

    Hope that helps.



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