Monday, February 13, 2012

Quilted Cupcake's New Reversible Bag

As mentioned on the last Quilted Cupcake podcast, I really love Sandi Henderson's Portabello Pixie Market Bag pattern.  I made the bag in an afternoon (before the latest sick bout), using some Ikea home dec fabric on the outside and orange with white polka dot fabric on the inside.    The pockets are the opposite.

It's a great pattern that I highly recommend.  The clever construction even allows it to be completely reversible! I'm using at a purse (blue side out),  I don't really see it as a shopping tote.   The only modification is that I changed the size of the pockets to better fit my use - I like a smaller pocket to hold my cell phone.

BTW, Thanks for all the kind words on my last entry - I'm feeling much better, and planning the next podcast. 
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  1. I like your bag, and choice of fabrics.

  2. hi jean i hope you are feeling better:) i love the bag, i wonder if i can get that fabric in the perth store!


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