Sunday, March 11, 2012

Kanzashi Clover Flower Maker

On a recent trip to Joann's, I found a new toy.  It's called the Kanzashi Flower Maker, by Clover.   I wasn't sure how it would work, but figured for $6 plus my 40% off coupon making it $3.60, it was worth a shot.  
There are several sizes and types, but I chose the 3" pointed flower. I figured it out pretty quickly, as it comes with really good instructions.    I found it a lot easier to use than Clover's Yo Yo maker.  Just follow the pictures, especially when forming petals.  I messed it up the first time, but then I caught on.

How cute are these?  Made from bits in my scrap box.  Took about 10 min. per flower.  I think they'll look great as an accent on a pillow, or  even as a coat pin. A good craft for while watching TV, too.

What do you think? Has anyone else tried this? 
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  1. That's a new gadget to me! I make these flowers, but just fold five (charm size) squares into triangles and then running stitch them together.

  2. Hey Jean, it's a neat find, haven't seen them before. The flowers remind me of poinsettias. They're really pretty!:)

  3. Thanks for sharing your new find. I may get one soon.

  4. I just bought this and a couple of other flower makers (not yo-yos, but other styles) at the Mid-Atlantic Quilt Festival, but haven't played with it yet. I'm glad to see your post on it--makes me want to take it out tomorrow and play!

  5. I am definitely going to have to look for that on my next trip. Thanks for sharing!

  6. I LOVE these Jean. I bought them all last year to use on some zippy bags I was making. I couldn't stop making them!

  7. I saw these and almost bought a couple. How exactly do they work?

    I love their yo-yo maker and think it is really simple to use. Great use of little scraps :)


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