Friday, March 9, 2012

Crochet Childrens Hat

I made a friend a cotton crocheted hat last week, and it sparked something in me.  I NEEDED to crochet more hats with flowers.  I found a great pattern from The Dainty Daisy, and she's cool with selling them on Etsy, so I made some for my shop.   

The top two hats are my favorites - the orange Dreamsicle one and the multi-color spring one, sized for babies.  They're so cute they make my ovaries ache.   Is it too soon to make stuff for future grandchildren when that's at least 10 years away?

Here's a group shot of some of the others, for larger sizes.  ETA:  All are made with either Sugar & Cream cotton or Hobby Lobby's I Love this Cotton! yarn.

They make great gifts, and I'm happy to do custom orders.  Just contact me here or through Etsy.  

p.s. Thanks Megan for the inspiration!  :)


  1. What gorgeous hats!! I don't think it's ever to early to make things for future grandbabies :-)

  2. Jean, they are beautiful! Do you by any chance have any baby hat (newborn sizes too) pattern? I'm just not sure how big the baby hats should be and besides I've never made one :) Thanks!

  3. I love the Dreamsicle one. What yarn is that?? So cute!

  4. I adore these! If you ever just feel like making them I could give them to my extra nice patients at the birth center ;)

    BTW, I love the Sugar & Cream cotton yarn! I hope to get good enough one day to knit a sweater for myself out of it.


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