Friday, April 27, 2012

Product Review: Pilot FriXion Pen

Here's that cool Pilot FriXion pen that I raved about on the last podcast.  Best marking tool I've found for sewing and quilting.  You get a good clear line, and can "erase" it by ironing.  A life-changer for me!  I've tried so many marking methods that didn't work, or were difficult to remove.  So far, these babies beat them all.

I found them at both Staples and Target  - approx. $5.99 for three.  Amazon also has them. 

The first Frixion pen I bought at the Old Country Store in Lancaster was the highlighter version, with a thicker tip.  I liked that one a bit better than this "gel pen" design.  However, for a pen that actually makes a good clear mark that's easy to remove, I'm loving it both.

Has anyone else tried these?


  1. I love these! I was introduced to them by a quilt shop owner who came to our guild to show us new products in quilting. I didn't want to buy a whole pack at once before trying it myself, and then our local quilt shop started selling them individually. They need to come up with white too though. I use the white (Clover?) on a lot of darks when I mark and I love it, but one pen costs as much as a whole pack of these! Trudy

  2. Nope, but would love to try them. Next time I'm going to Target I'll get them. I'm not sure if these were the ones that got a review by someone that said the marks come back in the cold? I'll have to experiment with it.

  3. I just ordered a pack from Amazon (prime addict) I hope they work better than the other pen I bought that kept coming back with blue lines!! I was going crazy trying to wet them down and erase them. Thanks for the tip :)

  4. Yep, I tried them and posted about them.

    I heard back from some folks with a warning that if using them on color, test first b/c sometimes it bleaches the color out when you remove the pen. Also, sometimes a very fine "sheen" look to the white fabric can show depending on the fabric. I noticed the sheen on a particular white but not another so my recommendation, as always, test it first. :)

    Love these things!

  5. Since it was a "cupcake recommend" I purchased one when I was ordering fabric. Oh my gosh...these things are magic! I just marked the outline for my little girl's dress and was so delighted when the lines disappeared! Thank you for highlighting them on your blog!


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