Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Ever Been Inspired to Knit and Sew?

I started these medallion pillows a long time ago. The crocheted mandalas were inspired by Hindu art (Yep, I like to class up the blog every now and then!)  I crocheted them and set them aside, knowing I'd do something with them one day.

Fast forward a few months, and I found the medallions in my studio.  Decided to see how they'd look sewn onto pillows.  

Liked it so much, I finished 3 and added to my Etsy shop.  Two are 16 inch (teal and red borders), and one is 18 inch.  

Love being able to combine two of my favorite hobbies into one finished item.  Have you ever done a combo project?  


  1. These pillows are beautiful!
    Yes, I love to add paint or embroidery to my quilts.

  2. Those are really beautiful. I like not only the mix of techniques, but the mix of Eastern influence with Western material on the pillows.
    Well done.

  3. Your pillows are beautiful - they really pack a visual punch. Probably more so in person when you can see the texture, too! Love them!


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at quiltedcupcake@gmail.com