Sunday, August 26, 2012

Scrappy Four Patch Technique

I found this video via Pinterest, and I love everything about it. Great technique, great presentation.

Billie Lauder seems like a fun teacher.  I've never heard of her, but based on this, I'll be doing some more research about her.

It's about 13 minutes long, via a blog called Quilted Hugs. I couldn't find it anywhere on You Tube, but you can find more Billie Lauder videos there, including a slick way to make Flying Geese.

Has anyone out there tried Billie's techniques?  Please let us know in the comments.


  1. Just saw that you pinned this and checked it out... I've been wanting to do a 4 patch quilt with a couple of charm packs I picked up, and this technique finally got me moving on it! Immediately hopped up and got to work, and I think I may have the whole top done tonight! Thanks!!! :)

  2. Billie Lauder used to be a frequent guest on Simply Quilt with Alex Anderson. She's really funny and I like the way of her approach to things. She likes to make everything so easy. I haven't heard of her since the show was canceled...


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