Thursday, May 9, 2013

Adventures in PomPom Land: Craft Book Review

Adventures in PomPom Land by Lark Crafts is a roundup of tons of cute little creatures you can make from PomPoms.

Brings me back to my childhood, when I started my entrepreneurial crafty ways by making pompom chicks for 25 cents each.  My neighbor bought them from me to give to her dance students.

This book's projects are a bit more advanced.  In fact, Adventures in PomPom Land has 25 different critter projects you can made from handmade pompoms.  My favorites are the snow and the snowman couple, the lop-eared bunny, the bluebird and the lamb.

The book has a great overview on how to make the pom-pom bases with just a piece of cardboard.  I have to say I prefer using my Clover pom-pom tool, as it gives a more consistent look.

I do like how the author uses a number of creative techniques to add details (check out that fluffy tail on the bluebird).

So, if you want to take your pom pom creations to the next level, give this book a look.

Disclosure: Please note: I was not financially compensated for this post.  I received a copy of the book for review purposes.  As with all content on my blog, the above review is completely my own, based on my own experience.

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