Friday, May 17, 2013

Friday Favorites: Ball Jars and A Beautiful Mess App

Two great finds this week- combined here!  I'd heard that Ball was going to be launched vintage inspired blue Mason jars, but didn't know if they'd show up locally.  So happy to find them at Target yesterday.  I thought $9.99 for six was a little spendy, but as a longtime fan, I decided I HAD to have them.  (BTW, they're also at Amazon, but more expensive.)

They're really beautiful, and have a special anniversary imprint.  Great blue color.

Now, what to do with them?  Definitely for decor, not canning.  Bet they'd look great with a candle inside.  I'm happy just to look at them.

The second find of the week was Elsie and Emma's new iPhone app, a Beautiful Mess.  It's an easy photo editing program that allows you to add fun stuff for your photos, like doodles, and borders and cool fonts.  Only 99 cents, and you can add more photos, doodles, etc. too.  LOVE it!

I expect to have a ton of fun with this!  Heck I even like their logo, and the app is super easy.  I only wish I could use it on my PC, too. Hint, Hint, E&E.  

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  1. i LOA-HOV! blue canning jars!!! i'm glad i'm not the only one!

    i too, acquired some of the 100ath nniversary jars. I found mine at Ace Hardware (i had to order them, but no shipping charges as i picked up in store)

    i plan on making soap dispensers with 5 of them. i got the idea from Etsy.

    i'm still on the look out for a blue gallon jar, and a couple half gallon for canisters in the kitchen :)

  2. Must go to Target now!! Thanks for the heads up :)


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