Monday, January 30, 2012

Podcast Episode 49 Show Notes

Here are the Show Notes for Quilted Cupcake Podcast Episode 49, Let's Review:

My new sponsor is Pastimes Online.  Click below to find their 2 new Block of the Month clubs:

Vintage Sewing Machines
Butterfly Garden

The Florida Fabric Stores I visited:
Crafty Threads
Keep Me in Stitches
Bernina Pfaff

Here's the awesome Haul of Fabric from my Florida trip, discussed on Podcast Episode 49.

Here's my favorite, from Moda, A Stitch in Color by Malka Dubrawsky

Here's that cool pattern from Empty Bobbin Sewing

Product Reviews from Episode 49:

The Principles of Knitting:  A new "bible" in the knitting community - 700 pages with everything you'll ever want to know about knitting!

Finally, here's the before picture of the wheel of my studio chair before I cleaned it - all 5 were this bad or worse!  It's a wonder the chair moved at all!

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Friday, January 27, 2012

Podcast Episode 49 (Let's Review) is Posted!

I just posted a new Quilted Cupcake podcast episode - it's Number 49, Let's Review.  I mistakenly called it episode 51 at the beginning - don't pay attention to that.  It's really 49 - no secret missing episodes.  Just a silly mistake.

Look for show notes later this week.

I just figured out how to embed it here at the blog.  So in addition to iTunes or Libsyn, you can click here to listen:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Enabler Alert - Singer 160

OK, so now that I have my big home-based Janome, I've been in the market for a travel machine.  LisaAnn posted a link to the HSN Today's Special Value, and I fell in love.  It's the Singer 160.  I had to have it!
How cool is that?  It looks like a featherweight, but with modern electronics.  Not only is the design awesome, it has some cool attachments, including a circle foot that can create flowers and a cut & hem edge attachment that works like a mini-serger for edges.  And, the package includes a carrying case and free shipping.

It's exclusive to HSN until April, and at a special price today.  And, it's limited edition, so don't wait if you want one.

ETA:  My order, placed about 11:30 a.m. EST, is on backorder - delivery on 2/16.  Sad about that, but glad I'm going to get it.

(Important note:  I'm not sponsored by Singer or HSN, just like sharing a good deal with you when I find one!)

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Free Motion Quilting Foot and Bobbin Case

During my recent trip, I discovered that Janome makes a Free Motion Quilting Foot and Bobbin Case.  I didn't buy it locally because I wasn't sure they would work with my 6300P.  Upon returning home, found that they do, so I ordered both from

I'll let you know after I take them for a test drive.  The foot certainly looks different- the screw on top lets you adjust the tension.  

Has anyone tried either of these?  If so, please let me know, either via email or in the comments below.

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Before and After

I've been doing some traveling for work lately. Luckily, this trip had a bit of time for relaxing, too. This is the scene in Clearwater, Florida this Sunday BEFORE the Baltimore Ravens championship game (notice my purple-painted toes):

This is what I looked like AFTER the game:

To console myself (Of course, I would have said to celebrate if they'd won), I did some fabric shopping before my flight on Monday.  Check back later this week for shop reviews and fabric eye candy!

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Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Recent Pinterest Favorites

Quilts are such awesome eye candy.  These are some recent Pinterest finds that made me smile, all from quilters I recently discovered.  I love that I can discover new bloggers via Pinterest, and even find projects that are new to me, but were originally posted a year or more ago.

Click on the link to visit the blogs noted.  Good stuff!

While They Snooze - great scrappy quilt with tutorial

Lorajean's Magazine - lovely pennant quilt with a recipe.

Spool block by VeryKerryBerry

Any crafty bloggers out there that I may have missed?  Please leave a comment with a link.  Feel free to promote your own blog, too.  We can always use some fresh inspiration!

Friday, January 13, 2012

Fabric Sale

Fabric Sale - could there be a greater 2 word phrase in this world?  OK, maybe Free Money.  But, thought I'd let you all know about a great sale going on at a fellow Etsy seller's shop, Material Girl Shoppe.  Sadly, she's closing her shop.  However, the good news for you is that she's holding a close out sale.

She has lots of designer fabrics for $5-$7.  And, lots of patterns, too.  Shipping was reasonable, and very fast.

So, if you like Heather Bailey, Amy Butler, Riley Blake, etc., jump on these great deals.  She has tons of Nicey Jane (that's what I bought).  Can't wait to try the Portabellopixie market bag pattern this weekend.

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Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Cupcake Pillow

Check out this super cute cupcake pillow I saw at Target this week. Love the smile on the cupcake and the cherry. It's a little spendy, though ($15), so it stayed in the store.

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Monday, January 9, 2012

Sky Scarf

The Sky Scarf - knitters, have you heard of this?  You gather a bunch of sky-colored yarns, and knit 2 rows a day based on what color the sky outside your window is that day.  At the end of a year, you have a scarf with 365 rows to represent the weather for a year.  Isn't that an awesome idea?  I love knowing that I'll knit at least a little something each day this year.  Can't think of a better way to start every day.
My sister Kelly told me about it. We're both going to do one this year.  The design is by Leafcutter Designs. You can download the free pattern on their site.  And of course, there is a Ravelry group for support and a Flickr pool where you can see others' work.

Here's how mine's going so far.  I didn't start until 1/7, so I had to guess on a few rows. Now, I set up a reminder on my iPhone so I don't skip any more days.  I think starting it was the hardest part.
Here's the only problem I'm having - keeping all the balls of yarn from getting tangled. You bring the yarn up along the side. Any hints?

Interested?  It's not too late to start.  It would be cool if a bunch of us made them and compared them at the end of the year.

If you decide to do a sky scarf, here a few tips that I learned when starting this project:

1.  I used size 5 needles - the 4 called for in the pattern was really tight.  I got a shorter pair at Michael's for $2.99 so they'd fit in my basket.  I cast on 31 stitches, one for every day of a (long) month.

2.  KnitPicks Palette yarn works well - check my Ravelry project page for the colors (I'm Knitty Jean on Ravelry).  This is a much more economical solution than the yarn shown on the website.  I couldn't justify a $75 scarf.

3. Roll your yarn into several small balls.  I'm finding them easier to work with than the center pull hanks.

4.  Set a reminder on your computer or phone so you don't forget a row.  

5.  Dedicate a space near your computer to store your work in progress.

6.  Use a basket or tray to keep the yarn together - but just a small amount.  Store the rest together in a ziploc bag for later in the year.

7.  Don't stress out about it.  I've seen some people on the boards that have journals and record the date and time and sky condition each day, or worry about checking the sky at the same time each day. Remember, this is supposed to be fun, not work.  In 2 years, when you look at the scarf, you won't care if it was 10:06, not 10:00, when you checked the sky on the 123rd day of the year.

8.  If you don't want to do the sky, some other folks are doing "mood" scarves - pick a color that fits your mood that day.  That idea sorta scares me.  Not sure I want to see a scarf with big swatches of black (just kidding ;) -- I just don't need another pink scarf.

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Friday, January 6, 2012

Cupcake Taggie Blankets

Cupcakes, cupcakes, cupcakes.  They seem to be everywhere this year. I just found a bunch of fun cupcake stuff at the Target dollar spot - including pink cupcake wrapping paper - I bought 6 rolls!  Lots of new cupcake stuff at Kohl's, too.  
Want to know the one place you couldn't find much if any cupcake stuff?  In my Etsy shop!  Duh!  I think it's mostly because I hoard my cupcake fabric.  (It's not a problem if you can admit it, right?)

So, I decided to create a new cupcake-shaped taggie blanket.  I may have to make a huge sized one for me!  It would  probably make a fun rug, now that I think about it..hmmm....

Once I made one, I had to make more.  These chocolate cupcakes are my favorite so far.  Check out my shop if you'd like to see more.

Another fun thing I found at Target (but not in the dollar spot)-- Cupcake shaped straws!  I had to have them - only $2.  Of course, not for drinking, but for displaying in my studio.

Any fun cupcake things come your way lately?

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Yarn Project Bag

Used a Tilda pattern to make myself a new yarn  project bag. Not from her new book (which is just OK), but from Sew Sunny Homestyle (probably my favorite of hers).

Used a vintage sheet for outside and a thrifted but newer sheet for the inside.  What's great about this bag is that is stands up by itself.  The secret is to line the outside pieces with a firm stabilizer (like Timtex).  Super easy!

I just adore that polka dot lining. Makes me smile every time I grab a new hank of yarn from inside.  Plus, this bag looks pretty sitting in my living room, waiting for me to start another project.

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Sunday, January 1, 2012

Gifts for Yourself

Starbucks jumbo cups - now that's a perfect gift to me!  I meant to put these on my Christmas list, but I forgot.  So, when I went to Target/Starbucks yesterday, I had to get them.  I'm always complaining that a standard coffee cup isn't big enough.  I rarely order less than a Venti.  So, happy days!

I have been doing lots of sewing this past week, and made up some new Nook, iPad and baby stuff for my Etsy shop. I really like how this baby shower gift set turned out.

This green iPad cover makes me wish I had an iPad.

 I did get the new iPhone 4S, and I LOVE it! The camera is amazing.  I can use it to take all of my Etsy shop pictures, and blog pictures.  It was even better than my old digital camera, so we used it on Christmas - very pleased with the results.

What was your favorite gift this holiday?