Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Quilted Cupcake's Latest Project: Puppy Foster Mom

This little guy's been taking up quite a bit of time lately.  He's "Beantown" a 7 month old Boston Terrier puppy that I'm serving as foster-mom for until his forever home is ready to take him in April.  I'm affectionately known as his "Dog-Ma".  He's going to live with my former boss and now dear friend, David.

He's cute as a button, and very loving.  Dusty, my full-time doggie, is tolerating him and they play well together (most of the time).

He's already responding well to clicker training, and has learned to sit!

I'll be a little sad to see him go in April, but I know he'll be going to an awesome doggie-daddy.
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  1. a real cutey. It is good when you know where they are going.

  2. I love him. And look how he's posing for the camera. David is so lucky to have you fostering Beantown. You're an awesome friend!


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