Thursday, March 8, 2012

International Women's History Day

I'm pleased to be participating in a special BlogFest to celebrate International Women's History Day - it's today, March 8, 2012. Here's a cool short video talking about how craft can empower women - love that idea! The video also has some great footage that I think was probably shot at Purl Soho, an amazing yarn and fabric mecca in NYC.    It was one of my favorite stops on my last trip to NY.


I truly believe that crafting can and does empower women. It allows us to express ourselves by creating handmade items that are both useful and beautiful. When I sew, quilt, knit or crochet, I definitely feel a connection to all the women who practiced that same craft in the past, in much the same way. It's great that the handmade movement has grown so much over the past few years to show us that there's still beauty and purpose to be had creating things by hand rather than machine. I also love the connection it gives me to my own mom and grandmother, who were also life-long crafters.

I'd love to hear what you think about the link between craft and women's history and empowerment. Please take a moment to post a comment below to tell us how you feel crafting has empowered you, or share a story about women in your life who influenced your love of the handmade. I'd love to learn a bit more about you, and add your voice to this history project.


  1. Thank you for the opportunity to add my 2cents worth. I have been a "crafter" for as long as I have been aware of the skills we list as crafts. I've been a sewist since before I was a teen-ager, a crocheter and knitter since my late teen years, a spinner & a quilter since my early 20's and have dabbled in nearly all of the fiber / fabric "crafts", too. My personal creativity is expressed through this medium. As a scientist I'm one of those EXTREMELY left-brain persons, but here is where my artistic side gets to blossom.
    Kudos to every woman who finds her form of self-expression through whatever media is appropriate!

  2. I agree completely that crafting is empowering. To me, it is a way to connect with not only my ancestors, but also my descendants. It "extends" my identity, in a way, both directions. I hope that my granddaughter will use the skills that I'm passing on to her to do the same.
    (I'm guess I'm really saying the same thing you did, only not as well!)

  3. I also think about crafting as a way to touch my descendants. I don't take a lot of pictures, and I don't make scrapbooks. The way my children's children will know who I was is though my quilts and my cross stitch samplers.

  4. Historically, crafting was one of the few ways that ordinary women could express themselves artistically.
    In my family, everyone -male and female- did some kind of arts and/or crafts. From an early age i was encouraged to express myself.
    My mom, sister, aunts and grandmothers all inspired me with their skills.
    I think that i am not only a stronger woman, but a stronger human being because i was supported in crafty endeavors.


Thanks for taking time to comment - I read every one! If you have a question or want to reach me directly, feel free to email me at